5 research outputs found

    Strategic Sustainability Orientation Influence on Organizational Resilience: Moderating Effect of Firm Size

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    Background: Owing to the heaviness of setbacks and shocks companies frequently face from the internal/external business environment, building solid organizational resilience and shifting towards strategic sustainability have become the top demands in today\u27s wavering business world. Objectives: This study aimed to determine whether strategic sustainability orientation influences organizational resilience and how this relationship is moderated by firm size. Methods/Approach: This study uses a methodology structured around the stakeholder theory and embraces multiple regression analysis grounded on collected data from 124 enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina ambience. Results: Findings from the research revealed that strategic sustainability orientation significantly and positively influences organizational resilience and its three sub-components: anticipation, coping and adaptation capabilities. Results also uncovered that the Small size firms were significantly diverse from the Large and Medium size firms in terms of the influence of strategic sustainability orientation on three capabilities of organizational resilience. Conclusions: In addition to literature enriching in sustainability and organization by supplying empirical evidence of strategic sustainability orientation influence on organizational resilience, this study proposes and validates instruments for measuring strategic sustainability orientation and organizational resilience

    The influence of talent management on organisational performance in Bosnia & Herzegovina as a developing country

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    In today\u27s globalized, fast-changeable, and digitalized market, companies strongly need and seek talents, who, besides basic skills, possess higher levels, as well as the optimal mix of different competencies and qualifications. Attracting the best employees, developing and retaining them represents a crucial success factor for any firm and requires well-organized talent management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of talent management, viewed through attracting, developing, and retaining talents, on organizational performance improvement in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data collection is based on a questionnaire, related to core elements of talent management and organizational performance (profitability and sales growth), with respondents from the population of talented managers, who work in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The findings indicate that talent management has a positive statistically significant influence on observed organizational performance in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since talented managers are a key strategic resource, who lead organizations to accomplish excellent organizational performance, companies in developing countries need to tailor effective and customized talent management strategies, to achieve continuous improvement of organizational outcomes

    Motivational Factors and Retention of Talented Managers

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    Background: In a contemporary fast-changing world, companies are facing growing global competition, volatile markets, altered workforce structure, and another technological reshifting, which generates enormous pressure on them to improve their business performance and imposes the necessity to highlight practices of talent management more seriously. Objectives: In this study we explore interrelations between attraction/work motivational factors and talent retention, observed through talent engagement. Methods/Approach: The methodology in this research focuses on the comprehensive resource-based view and encompasses quantitative analysis based on data gathered from talented managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results: The research results unveiled that talents were attracted to work for current companies primarily because of: good salary and company goodwill. The top three prevalent work motivational factors for talents included: (1) comfortable work environment, (2) enough autonomy and creativity in working and deciding, and (3) work-life balance. Furthermore, talent motivational factors related to talent retention in a statistically significant positive way. Conclusions: This study furnishes available talent research and theory by relating attraction/work motivational factors to talent engagement; and by introducing the fundamental motivational factors which are of monumental importance for retaining talented managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of halogenated piperidin-based Hsp90 inhibitors with antiproliferative activity

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    Rak je v zahodni civilizaciji drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti. Njegova pojavnost se vsako leto povečuje, a se hkrati umrljivost, kot posledica zgodnjega odkrivanja bolezni in večje uspešnosti zdravljenja, počasi manjša. Rakave celice se v sklopu kancerogeneze spopadajo z več izzivi, med katerimi predstavljajo največjo oviro njihovi napačno zviti lastni proteini (onkoproteini), ki so v normalnih razmerah podvrženi razgradnji. Rak v telesu ustvarja stresne pogoje, kar vodi do aktivacije in indukcije proteinov toplotnega šoka, ki onkoproteine stabilizirajo, jim omogočajo pridobitev funkcionalnosti ter s tem nadaljnji razvoj tumorja. Proteini toplotnega šoka v osnovi skrbijo za proteostazo in doseganje nativne konformacije proteinov klientov, a je njihovo delovanje med kancerogenezo spremenjeno ter izkoriščeno s strani rakavih celic. Mnogi onkoproteini, ključni za maligno transformacijo, so klienti proteina toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90), zato predstavlja Hsp90 idealno tarčo za razvoj novih protitumornih učinkovin. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo proučili vpliv halogenih atomov na zaviralno delovanje alosteričnih piperidinskih zaviralcev C-končne domene Hsp90. Izhajali smo iz spojine z zaviralnim delovanjem, pri kateri smo ohranili strukturne elemente pomembne za tvorbo interakcij s Hsp90. Spreminjali smo aromatski del izhodne spojine, na katerega smo vpeljevali različne halogene atome ter tako pripravili štiri nove spojine. Le-te smo biološko ovrednotili na človeški celični liniji raka dojke MCF-7 s testom MTS ((3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-5-(3-karboksimetoksifenil)-2-(4-sulfonil)-2H-tetrazolijeva sol), s pomočjo katerega smo spojinam določili vrednosti IC50. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ovrednotili vpliv halogenov na sposobnost tvorbe interakcij s tarčo, jih primerjali s predhodno sintetiziranimi spojinami ter določili odnos med strukturo in delovanjem. Rezultati testiranja so pokazali, da je substitucija aromata levega dela molekule na mestih meta in para ključna za zaviralno delovanje v nizkih mikromolarnih koncentracijah. Spojina 17 je imela najnižjo vrednost IC50 (IC50 = 5,58 ± 0,75 µM) ter je tako izkazovala najmočnejše delovanje. V primerjavi z izhodno spojino TZZ-11 imata spojini 15 in 17 močnejše delovanje, spojini 19 in 11 pa delujeta šibkeje, kar je vodilo do ugotovitve, da sta kot aromatska substituenta levega dela molekule najboljša halogena atoma klor ter brom, ki po naših predvidevanjih zaradi svoje velikosti ter sposobnosti tvorbe ustrezno močne halogene vezi tvorita najmočnejše interakcije s tarčo.Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Western civilisation. Its incidence is higher every year but due to early detection of the disease and more successful treatment options, its mortality rate is decreasing. Cancer cells face many challenges during their development in the human body. One of the biggest obstacles are misfolded proteins (oncoproteins) that are normally subject to degradation. The formation of cancer cells (carcinogenesis) creates a stressful environment leading to the activation and induction of heat shock proteins, which promote cancer development and growth by stabilizing oncoproteins, allowing them to reach their full potential. Heat shock proteins are fundamentally responsible for proteostasis and client protein folding but during carcinogenesis their mechanism of action is altered and abundantly utilised by cancer cells. Many oncoproteins responsible for cancer development interact with heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). Hsp90 therefore represents a promising target for the development of new cytotoxic agents. In this master\u27s thesis, we investigated the influence of halogen atoms on the inhibitory potential of new allosteric piperidine-based inhibitors of the Hsp90 C-terminal domain. The basis of our research was a compound with known inhibitory properties. We retained the structural elements responsible for the interaction with Hsp90 and focused solely on the modification of the aromatic ring on the left side by introducing different halogen atoms. We prepared four new compounds, which we biologicaly evaluated with the MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) metabolic assay on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and determined their IC50 values. This provided insightful information, which helped evaluate the ability of the halogens to form halogen bonds with the target, compare our compounds with other Hsp90 inhibitors and establish a structure-activity relationship. The test results led to the conclusion that substitution of the aromatic ring in both meta and para positions is critical for inhibition in the low micromolar range. Compound 17 had the lowest IC50 value (IC50 = 5.58 ± 0.75 µM) and is therefore the most potent inhibitor. Compared to compound TZZ-11, which served as the reference compound, both compounds 15 and 17 were found to be more potent, while compounds 19 and 11 were not. This led to the conclusion that chlorine and bromine atoms are the best aromatic substituents. This is due to their atom size, which enables them to form the strongest interactions with the target

    The impact of regulatory quality on deepens level of financial integration: Evidence from the European Union countries (NMS-10)

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    This study seeks to empirically explore whether the regulatory quality in the NMS-10 impacts deepening international financial integration and whether the strengthening of regulatory quality for NMS-10 has a causal effect on the level of international financial integration (IFI) in NMS-10. The study covers NMS-10 between 1995 and 2020. The estimation of parameters was made with descriptive statistics, the Breusch-Pagan test, the Pesaran test, the Granger causality test, and OLS regression to analyze the impact of REQ on IFI. The findings of the study reveal that regulatory quality has a statistically significant effect in deepening the process of financial integration for both periods, in the pre-accession and post-accession EU process. In addition, the results demonstrate that the regulatory quality of NMS-10 provides sound laws and policies that support the business environment, encourage cross-bordering financial transactions. Moreover, the results of the Granger causality test show that the level of global financial integration is causally impacted by the improvement in NMS-10 regulatory quality. This indicates that regulatory effectiveness might predicts international financial integration